Black Rain from Semiconductor on Vimeo. Black Rain is sourced from images collected by the twin satellite, solar mission, STEREO. Here we see the HI (Heliospheric Imager) visual data as it tracks interplanetary space for solar wind and CME's (coronal mass ejections) heading towards Earth. Data courtesy of courtesy of the Heliospheric Imager on the NASA STEREO mission.
Working with STEREO scientists, Semiconductor collected all the HI image data to date, revealing the journey of the satellites from their initial orientation, to their current tracing of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. Solar wind, CME's, passing planets and comets orbiting the sun can be seen as background stars and the milky way pass by.
As in Semiconductors previous work 'Brilliant Noise' which looked into the sun, they work with raw scientific satellite data which has not yet been cleaned and processed for public consumption. By embracing the artefacts, calibration and phenomena of the capturing process we are reminded of the presence of the human observer who endeavors to extend our perceptions and knowledge through technological innovation.
It's been a min since i've hit you all with some goodies from the globe on this blog of mine. forgive me readers... for i have sinned... But your boy was on a college tour this month inspiring minds and moving the hearts of humans. The college tour is officially over. Summer is upon us... and "iiiiiiiiiii feel so goooooooooood to be aaaaaaliiiiive!... so Alive!"... yes indeed. Life is beautiful right now. Putting in work now for the "Future Intentions" once again. expect the music video for "Alive" this summer. (thats if i don't change my mind about the single again LOL).. anyway, here's a pic from the Cab yesterday on my way home from the airport. had to capture the moment. feeling blessed everyday for everything i have. hope you feel the same. L'Ove always... to the Max!
SIJI - "Yearning For Home" Music Video from SIJI on Vimeo. This is my du right here... me and Siji are label mates via Yoruba. we met last year when we rocked Toronto for Canada day. anyway, peep this soulfully fly vid...
This is gonna make alot of people subscribe to HBO.. watch... lol.. anyway, enjoy... its been long overdue that spoken word sees the lights, camera, and action it deserves.
Nearly 50 years after a vaccine for polio was developed in the United States, the polio virus still finds refuge in some of the world's most vulnerable places. This documentary short, nominated for a 2008 Academy Award®, examines how a group of dedicated workers are going door-to-door and slum-to-slum to reach unprotected children in poor enclaves in India. For more information on HBO Documentary Films, log onto
here's a guy who started a company selling gear and is now balling to the point where he feels the need to put his logo all over his Benz. wow... kinda over the top. but at the same time... you gotta respect the success. shit... the car looks dope too. i'd take this shit out for a spin any day... this post via hypebeast
Yesssss... there's a reason why i'm posting these throwback cartoons. there are hidden messages here. things i rather not have to say myself. besides, why make life's secrets so easy? LOL..
OVEOUS embodies brilliant lyricism with a powerful performance. Perhaps his greatest strength is that he was able to turn his brother's suicide into a global mission for mental healing and the positive uplifting of all people he comes across with thru his music. He earned a standing ovation on HBO Def Jam and has been a winner multiple times on "Showtime at the Apollo". His now classic hit song "Mirror Dance" with Osunlade still rocks the core of your soul on the dance floor. Working with Louie Vega, Boddhi Satva, and Osunlade has put him on the path of artists to watch grow. Oveous is a Rapper, Vocalist, & Producer who makes music to help your heart, beat. So Don't miss the Beat!